meet the founder. 

I used to be the girl who yearned for validation and approval.

I tried my best to earn it through pleasing people and performance.

I was Miss Independent, collecting more awards to hang up on my wall, and needed no one.

I was an over giver, who put everyone else’s needs in front of my own.

You see, deep down inside, the little girl within me was utterly terrified of losing love and belonging.

She was unhappy, incomplete, and desperate for connection no matter the cost.

All of this stemmed from one question:

Am I Enough?

A few years ago, I became a mom, wife, and college grad all within a year.

I realized if I was going to be the best mom, wife and woman possible, I had to change.

I needed to walk boldly and proudly in my authenticity.

I needed to heal that little girl.

So, I dove deep into personal development…

I worked on healing my mind, body, heart, and spirit.

This journey led me to my calling as a Self-Image & Empowerment Coach.

I am here to help women own their worth and evolve into the woman they’re called to be.

Ultimately, I guide them in remembering this universal truth…

I am valuable, I am enough, I am WORTHY!

To Your Evolution, Daina
about evolveherlife

E V O L V E H E R L I F E is a personal growth and empowerment brand that helps each woman own their worth and evolve into the woman they’re called to be.

I am here to help you evolve through:


 Here are a few tools that can get you started.
  • Workbook

    Download your free “RESTORE Self-Love” Workbook and pour into yourself.

  • Coaching

    Work with me one-on-one in the 8-week Worthy Private Coaching Program.

  • Journals

    Get one of our beautiful journals to help inspire your journaling journey.