Evolving Empress: Charisse

Evolving Empress: Charisse

Meet Charisse! She is the Evolving Empress behind @heyhoneymama. This wellness mama is the founder of Honey Mama, a community that empowers women through old and new age healthy approaches to lifestyle, beauty regimens + mental health. Find out more about Charisse below.

1. Tell us about yourself, childhood, and what brought you to personal development today.

 I’m a mother and a creative who enjoys all things self care, branding, and female empowerment. As the oldest of 5, I have always been drawn to help others in leading by example. That's actually how I started my brand Honey Mama. I'm the one whose friends always ask for an opinion on a lifestyle change or the latest in some new beauty routine. So, I figured why not put all of that into one accessible place? In order to do that, I had to work on myself or else it would just be ‘the blind leading the blind’. I have always felt that there is power in giving and sharing; especially amongst women, and I want Honey Mama to be a catalyst for that. 

Evolving Empress: Charisse

2. Advice you would give your 20-year-old self.

Self Awareness. Learn and accept who you are and then be fearless about it. When you know who you are, no one else can tell you otherwise. At 20, there were so many outside influences (like friends and culturally societal “rules”) that I allowed to hold me back. I talked myself out of great ideas that would have grown into something amazing by now. Sounds cliche but self doubt is the silent killer of dreams, so just go for it. You’ve got to follow through for yourself and keep moving forward.     

3. Name your favorite self development, self-help, or personal development book.

I’ve never been into the traditional “self help books” because I always felt as though I was being talked at. I find that, for myself, just reading others' experiences allows me to reflect on my own, (regardless of if it was meant for self help or not) but I really enjoyed ‘Manifest Now’ by Idil Ahmed. Two others that are really good are “Grace not Perfection”by Emily Ley and “Becoming” by Michelle Obama.

4. Which area of life are you evolving in right now?

“Momtrepreneurship”- I’m obsessed with all things self care, yet I also have a bad habit of working hard till I burn out. (then add a 3 year old to the mix)  GIRL. Seriously, motherhood is the most important thing in the world. Mothers have the power to shape tiny humans into exceptional beings and I don't take that lightly.

As my sister and I prepare to launch HoneyMama, we’ve recognized the importance of prioritizing family and well being. I remind myself that in order to run an effective business and be a good mom, that I first have to take care of myself. It’s definitely easier said than done and that’s something I truly have to really work on.

5. Tell us more about @heyhoney mama.


Ahhh Honey Mama is about clean, healthy living for the modern woman (which is all things I am passionate about). It’s a unique wellness space that aims to empower women through old and new age healthy approaches to lifestyle, beauty regimens and mental health.

With a mix of a glam and eclectic vibe, my sister and I created HM to serve every woman with the best products, in-class inspiration, education, and recommendations. We want HoneyMama to be a close knit community that will leave women feeling empowered to create and maintain an abundantly healthy lifestyle; like a personal Garden of Eden.

It’s coming soon and we are so excited because it's going to be amazing.

6. What is your top tip to manifesting the life of your dreams?

So it's a combination of 3 things. The first is utilizing affirmations. Repeating affirmations and living in that ideology have the power to change your overall mindset. The words in an affirmation aren’t magic; you’ve got to do the work and live in that truth. The power is in YOU.

Then, align your actions with your goals. Make it a point to get at least one thing accomplished towards a goal each day. Honestly, if you aren’t working toward your goals in some way shape or form, then you’re working against it.

Lastly, release the need for control. There will always be things that we can’t control so what’s the point of worrying about it. You’ve got to keep moving forward. When I started to let go of things, the stress and the anxiety left and my life started to just flow.  

7. What is the biggest challenge you have faced on your healing journey?

MYSELF. I’m a complete over thinker, a bit of a perfectionist, and I battle with that. Every now and then I have to remind myself that I am capable of anything and to let go of things that don’t serve me. NOTHING is perfect, NO ONE is perfect, and life in itself can be hard. I’ve learned that you have to be your biggest cheerleader. 

8. What mantra do you live by?

I choose prosperity over failure.

“I choose prosperity over failure” meaning that you have the choice to live a bountiful life, however that may look to you. I firmly believe that we all are given opportunities through the choices that we make. This doesn't mean that things always go my way. It just means that when they don’t, I choose to be positive. Failure is a mindset anyways. You’ve only failed when you’ve given up.

9. How do you continue to build the empire within?

Evolving Empress: Charisse

With overall self care. Self care isn't just a facial or a bomb workout. It entails nourishing your mind, body and soul. Society tells us that the more money we spend on ourselves, the better care we are taking, but that's not always the case. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good spa day, but what works for me is living with intent, practicing gratitude, eating healthy and taking it one day at a time. 

You can learn more about Charisse + Honey Mama here:

IG: @heyhoneymama

Website: Coming soon


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